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A Bit Of Me Time

Kyle McLean

As coaches, we are selfless individuals who give so much of ourselves, where we often sacrifice our own wellbeing for that of others. We spend a lot of time thinking about how we can get the best out of all the players and the team. But have we considered how we might get the best out of ourselves?

Tournament coaching can be exciting and equally draining at the same time. It can be demanding, where we ride the ebb and flow. The last thing we want is a stressful experience, where we feel overwhelmed and think…. ‘I’m never doing this again…”

Consider what helps you be at your best. Scheduling in some time for yourself may make all the difference. Exercise, connection with family, reading (a coaching autobiography??), clearing work emails or whatever works for you. There is no magic recipe that works for everyone, as this is very much individual preference.

And if you haven’t already, it might be time to share your thoughts with fellow coaches and management. This will help gain understanding of each other and align on a plan that can work for each of you. For example, scheduling in ‘well-being time’ or having a structured meeting time at the end of the day to review, check-in and plan, rather than 30 ‘off the cuff’ meetings. Or perhaps a cap on when you can text message each other ideas (yes it has happened at 3am, only to never fall asleep again)?

(This is #6 if a 6 part series of 'tournament coaching.')

Refer to Balance and Purpose + High Performing Habits from the Leading Coach Programme


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