Questioning through GROW Model
The GROW model can be quite effective when questioning athletes and teams. This is a process you can follow to establish where players are at and what they might be able to do next.

The GROW model can be quite effective when questioning athletes and teams. This is a process you can follow to establish where players are at and what they might be able to do next.
The GROW model can be quite effective when questioning athletes and teams. This is a process you can follow to establish where players are at and what they might be able to do next...
G – Goal?
R – Reality?
O – Opportunities?
W - What Now?
First start by establishing the goal. For Example:
What are we trying to achieve?
What is the purpose of this game?
What were you working on in that game?
Establish the reality in relation to the goal? For example:Â
How are we getting on?
How did you go?
What is going well?
Where are we having problems?
What are they (opposition) good at?
Get the players thinking ahead and problem-solving. For Example:Â
What could we do differently?
How can we use our strengths more often?
How can we hold onto the ball for longer?
How can we score more often?
How can we get the ball to….?
How can we stop them?
Note, the players may take longer to answer these questions. Consider appropriate 'wait time.'
Potentially, your players will come up with a range of solutions and ideas. Now, ask your players to focus on one or two things. For example:Â
What will be implement?
What will we do now?
What does success look like?
What is the one thing we are going to focus on now?
Remember that not all players are good at articulating their thoughts verbally, so ask players to demonstrate their ideas. A good phrase is:‘Show me what that looks like.’Â